The world is opening back up and different people have different opinions about that. What their opinions are and what their feelings are are going to change how you’re going to market to them. Let’s talk about that, and let’s talk about it now. Some people can’t wait for the world to open back up. […]
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Author: chimp
People Will Never Forget How You Made Them Feel
Transcript Maya Angelou once said “I’ve learned people may forget what she said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.” So, your marketing moment is to always be kind, to show compassionate to everybody so everybody will always remember how you made them feel. I’m Jeff […]
This is the Biggest Mistake Many Sales and Marketing Professionals Make!
Consider the difference between these two statements: 1) How can I help you? 2) This is how I am going to help you. Both are important, but for maximum effectiveness they need to be used together (and in the right order). Transcript: We’re going to talk about one of the single biggest mistakes that people […]
Zoom Etiquette
Have you fallen victim to one of the classic blunders? The first is never get into a land war in Asia. The second, and only slightly less well known, is never make these mistakes during #Zoom meetings. Transcript Let’s talk about some Zoom etiquette and let’s talk about it now. Zoom meetings are dominating the […]
How to Adapt to the New Normal
Transcript What is normal and what does returning to normal actually mean? What does life after COVID-19 look like for your business? What planning are you doing to ensure that your business is going to succeed post COVID-19? Lets talk about that, let’s talk about it now. A lot of people talking about the new […]
The Importance of Video Marketing During and After COVID-19
Transcript Let’s talk about the importance of video during and after COVID-19 and let’s talk about it now. You’re watching this video right now. You’re hearing my words my ideas as it pertains to marketing now. You’re seeing my businesses logo on the screen right now. You’re hearing me be a subject matter expert and […]
Why Facebook? Why Now?
Transcript Why Facebook and why now? Let’s talk about it, well, let’s talk about it now. The secret to fishing is you go with the fish are. And even before COVID-19, Facebook was one of the largest websites on a planet and now as a result of what’s going on, viewership is up tremendously. So, […]
Are you ready to be an ENTREPRENEUR again? Well, you better get ready!
Transcript: Because of COVID-19 business owners, even successful business owners, are going to have to get back to being entrepreneurs. Let’s talk about what that means and let’s talk about it now. Everybody knows that successful, seasoned business owners have to work ON their business and not IN their business. As their business grows, they […]
Google Reviews: Is it a Good Idea to Add a Lot of Them At Once?
Transcript A little bit ago I did a video about the importance of Google reviews for small local businesses. A lot of you had some questions. So, let’s answer this question, let’s answer them right now. After my video on the importance of Google reviews, a lot of people had questions how to ask for […]
Life After COVID-19 from a Marketing Perspective
Transcript What does life after COVID-19 look like from a marketing perspective? Let’s talk about it and let’s talk about it now. COVID-19 has changed the way the world does business. Most notably the amount of face time that we’re going to have in the future is going to go down substantially. Whether we go […]