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How Will the Market Remember You?

As we start to loosen up the restrictions of the COVID-19 shutdown, the market will ask an important question; “where were you?” What is the message going to be when the shutdown is over? Are people going to remember that you were there to serve them? Are they going to remember that you were there for them afterwards?


Hi, Jonathan Garber here from Flying Chimp Media and you know, we’re all in this together with this Coronavirus, COVID-19 shutdown. But I’ve been having some pretty interesting conversations with business owners and entrepreneurs and I’ve really been listening to two different types of conversations. Business owners that are asking “what can I do right now to help sustain my business to keep serving my clients to keep generating revenue and income?”

Frankly. That’s one type of owner the other type that I talk to says “Jon this isn’t going to last forever. I know this shutdown is going to end eventually. How can I be positioning myself to jump in, ramp up away hit the ground running and serve my clients as quickly as possible.” Now, those are two conversations I love to have because both of them are trying to say I love my clients, I love my job, and I want my employees to also have a great place to work. So I’m excited to talk to them about ways we can help them. But most importantly I’m excited that they WANT to send a message to the market, to their suppliers and their customers that says, “you know what when this is all over I was here for you. I was here for you the whole time” and that’s something we all have to ask ourselves. What is the message going to be when the shutdown is over? Are people going to remember that you were there to serve them? Are they going to remember that you were there afterwards?

I think that there’s going to be people who fight and people who just lay down and took a nap until it was over. Don’t be the napping guy. Remember there’s tons of ways you can go out and support local business. You could do curbside delivery, you could do e-commerce, you can pick up stuff you could buy gift certificates and gift cards that you’ll use after the shutdown as a way of supporting those businesses.

Together we can all pass the hat we can all not only survive but thrive during the shutdown. I hope to see you soon.


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