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The New Normal: A Marketing Perspective for 2020


The New Normal isn’t the old normal. What does that mean for your business? Let’s talk about it, let’s talk about it now.

The New Normal is not the old normal, the genie is not going back in the bottle. So, what are we going to do and how are we going to affect our business? Your business? What’s that going to mean moving forward? Well, it really depends upon what your business is. And the magic word is planning. What are you doing to plan for this new normal? What the future looks like is still a little bit unknown, but we do have a good idea. We are looking at a hybrid model some want to stay back, and some people want to press forward. So, you need to adapt for what’s going on. Your marketing engine needs to accept what today and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow look like.

If your marketing engine was heavily networking based, that means if it was based heavily in meeting people face-to-face you need to fill in the gaps somehow. There’s a void left in your marketing engine and we need to solve that. Alternatively, if you had lot of out-of-home advertising we need to shift a lot of that advertising online because people are spending more time at home. Whatever you were doing we need to solve what the future looks like so you can continue your business in an effective way.

If you want new fresh ideas and how you can shift your marketing, we would love to help. I’m Jeff with Flying Chimp until next time be safe be kind be compassionate #passthehat and help local businesses that had affected by Covid-19 and I’ll see you again.

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