Normally, I do marketing videos because that’s what we do here are Flying Chimp but today, I’m going to do something a little different… right now.
Things have been really weird lately, so I decided to do something a little more fun. Can your marketing company do this?
Betwixt the mix of flips and dips. Careful to avoid catching the wrong end of the stick. A flick, a kick, a real quick trick, dazzling dexterity that would make you sick. So it matters not the job you’ve got as long as you do it well. Things are made by plans well laid, only the test of time will tell. But how can you count, or know the amount, or the value of a man? By the show displayed, or the beauty made, by the touch of the jugglers hand.
Everybody be safe. Be kind. Be the community. I’m Jeff with Flying Chimp and I’ll see you next time.
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