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Delivery and Curbside Pickup is Not Just for Food!


Delivery and curbside pickup is not just for food. Here’s a few ways that you can use these tactics to continue doing business during the COVID-19 lock down. Let’s talk about it right now.

They say necessity is the mother of invention and some businesses and business owners have had to get very clever and creative it how to resolve the situation where they can’t meet with their clients face-to-face. Some lawyers, in particular, have had to get pretty clever and how they want to handle things. Lawyers like estate planning attorneys and real estate attorneys who require people to sign documents in order to perform what they do for a living have had to get pretty clever. What many of them have started to do is drive by signings. People will drive up in their car, stay in their car, and be handed the documents with gloves and masks. They fill out the paperwork. They sign everything and they’re done in 20 minutes. It actually saves time for the attorneys and for the clients. It was a great win-win.

Another great creative solution to this sort of delivery style idea is a fitness trainer that offer the ability to come to your home. They drive to your home stay in the backyard maintain a proper 10-15 feet worth of distance and give you a great workout in the privacy of your own backyard. It’s completely safe and completely and totally social distance. It’s a really great clever way of continue to do business and making people happy during these difficult times.

So what are you doing to think creatively about your business and continuing to do business during these difficult times? If you want some ideas we’d love to chat with you. Till next time I’m Jeff with Flying Chimp. Be safe. be kind, #passthehat and I’ll see you again.

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